Thembavani: A rare Tamil Poetry book written by Rev. Fr. Beschi ( Veeramamunivar)


நாட்டுப் படலம்

     தேம்பாவணியின் 3615 பாடல்களும் 36 படலங்களாக உட்பிரிவு
பெற்றுள்ளன. இவற்றை ஒவ்வொன்றும் பன்னிரு படலங்கள் கொண்ட
மூன்று பாகங்களாக முதற்கண் வெளியிட்டோர் ஒவ்வொன்றும் ஒவ்வொரு
காண்டமென்று எண்ணிக்கைப் பெயரிட்டுள்ளனர். முடி சூட்டுப் படலம்,
131-ஆம் பாடலிலும், பாவுரை பதிகத்தும் புறவுரை ஆசிரியத்தும் படலத்
தொகையும் பாடல் தொகையும் குறிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன; காண்டம் பற்றிய
விவரமே இல்லை. நூலின் தன்னிறைவு கொண்ட பெரும் பிரிவே
காண்டம் எனக் கொள்ளத்தக்கது. அதனோடும் இக்காண்டப்பிரிவு
பொருந்தவில்லை. எனவே, தேம்பாவணிக்குக் காண்டப் பிரிவு
இல்லையென்று கொள்க.
     படலம் என்பது காப்பிய உட்பிரிவாய்த் தன்னிறைவு கொண்டு,
அடுத்து வரும் படலத்தோடு கதைத் தொடர்பு கொண்டு நிற்பது.
     இப்படலம் வளன் பிறந்த சூதேய நாட்டின் இயற்கை வளத்தை
இணைத்துக் கூறும் பகுதி.

                       மழை வளம்
     - மா, கூவிளம், -விளம், -விளம், -மா
புள்ளு லாம்விசும் பிடைதொறும் பொரும்படை பொருவ
வெள்ளு லாமழை வெண்கொடி யுருக்கொடு விளங்கித்
தெள்ளு லாந்திரை திளைப்பவுண் டெழுந்துயர் பரந்து
வள்ளு லாங்கரு மதகரி இனமெனத் தோன்ற.
புள் உலாம் விசும்பு இடை தொறும் பொரும் படை பொருவ
வெள் உலாம் மழை வெண் கொடி உருக் கொடு விளங்கி,
தெள் உலாம் திரை திளைப்ப உண்டு, எழுந்து உயர் பரந்து
வள் உலாம் கரு மத கரி இனம் எனத் தோன்ற.
     பறவைகள் பறந்து உலாவும் வானத்தில் வெண்ணிறமாக இடந்தோறும்
உலாவும் மேகங்கள், போருக்கு அணிவகுத்த படை போலவும்,
வெண்ணிறத்துணிக்கொடியின் உருவத்தைக் கொண்டும் விளங்கின. பின்
அவை அசைந்து உலாவும் தெளிந்த கடல் நீரை மிகுதியாகக் குடித்து,
எழுந்து உயர்வானத்தில் பரந்து, வலிமையோடு காட்டில் உலாவும் கரிய
மத யானையின் கூட்டம் போல் தோன்றின.

Notes by Annapoorna Mary:
Thembavani is a rare poetry book in tamil literature written by Rev. Fr. Beschi  (  Veeramamunivar). The topic and theme of the book is St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus Christ. The history records that Fr. Beschi wrote this classic literature from Periyanayagi Matha Church, Konankuppam, Tamilnadu, India. This literature was recognized by the Tamil scholars of all times and it is placed among the classic literature. The book consists of 36 chapters and 3615 poems.
The above poem is titled as Nattupadalam ( Country Song), in which Fr. Beschi describes the birth place of St. Joseph. 
In Tamil, it is tradition that scholars write the meaning and descriptions of other poets. Accordingly, the description in Tamil is written by a Tamil scholar Prof. V. Maria Antony. Reading his descriptions helps to understand the meaning of poems. Studying Fr. Beschi's poem and reading the scholars' descriptions, I intend to write a short note on each poem from my understanding, which I enjoy thoroughly. St. Joseph is my favorite saint of all times. Any literature associated with St. Joseph draws my intellectual attention and I learn with reverence, desire, and curiosity.  Now I have an opportunity to journey with Fr. Beschi's poems to learn about St. Joseph. Let me do so. May God the Holy Trinity bless me in my journey. May Arc Angel Micheal guide and protect me on the way. May Holy Spirit shine His gifts of wisdom in understanding and learning. I thank God for this learning opportunity. Here the poems are highlighted in blue color. The descriptions of the poem in Tamil is highlighted in black color, which was written by the Tamil scholar, Prof. V. Maria Anthony. 

In this first poem, the poet ( Rev. Fr. Beschi) writes about the birth place of St. Joseph. In the heart of the poet, St. Joseph's birth place takes the center place with beauty and majesty. He writes about the details of the nature including sky and sea. The poet writes that the sky was beautiful as flights of birds filling the blue sky, below which, the white clouds were marching in multitudes like soldiers of a great war waving white flags. Later, the white clouds descend into the sea and drinks the clear blue waters in multitudes and they ascend to the sky  travelling as groups of strong majestic black elephants. 

This is how the poet paints the picture of the country where St. Joseph was born. Reading this poem stimulates our imagination and welcomes into the heart and mind of the poet to see St. Joseph's life in poet's eye view. This poem begins with the depiction of nature, which helps us to understand that Fr. Beschi  loved nature and he used nature in his poems to communicate his ideas. He also sets the background for St. Joseph's birth place with details. 

From this poem, we come to understand that the country of St. Joseph was a nature filled place and blessed with the sky and sea which rained in seasons.  It is evident that the poet writes about the day sky, as he describes the white and dark clouds, which can be only visible in the day light. The poet makes two interesting comparisons to the scene he writes.  First, he compares the white moving clouds to the battlefield soldiers carrying white flags, which an interesting comparison. Second, he also equates the dark rainy clouds to the dark colored elephants. Images of Soldiers with white flags and elephants are associated with battlefield, which may signify the bravery. I wonder, whether the poet introduces the bravery charisma of St. Joseph, as he introduces his birth place.


  1. Between the birds in the sky, the clouds as a great army in battle array
    Appear in the form of a white flag fluttering, and then having drunk
    Excessively the clear moving waters of the sea and rising up on high
    Float like powerful herds of black elephants in rut.
    This is how I have translated the 14 verse in PART I. I am finishing the first Kaandam, 300 lines left.

  2. Thanks for the participation!







  6. I have published my translation into English verse of the entire THEMBAVANI along with sandhi-separated Tamil text in AMAZON/KINDLE both as eBook and as Paperback. Please read it, enjoy it, write a review and give a star ranking.
    Here is a portion of my translation under the subtitle 'The Apostles and the Sacraments'.


    Here is what FR. COSTANZO GIUSEPPE BESCHI S.J. (Veeramamunivar), the Italian Jesuit priest, has to say regarding the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist in his epic THEMBAVANI written in 1726, in pure Tamil consisting of 3615 rhymed quatrains ‒ When Joseph asks the God-son who was a lad at that time what He proposed to do to keep people away from sin after His death and resurrection and ascension, the lad replies that he will appoint men who will continue His work and that He would institute seven sacraments to help people follow the virtuous path. This episode deals with the prophecies of the young Divine Son told to his foster-father Joseph.


    “In order that the stain acquired by the white-coloured garment may be totally removed, and as if it were soaked in the beams

    Of the white moon, I will first give the gift of Baptism that will pour Divine Grace into the soul after removing the dense sin

    That has the colour of a sore, and then, even after acquiring a cool nature, in order that the soul may not again falter with hot lust

    Weakening it, and may acquire a state of the clear complexion of not being affected by sin, I will ask them to apply the sacred ointment of Confirmation.”


    “Considering that even the love born of a mother cannot be compared to Mine, and pushing it behind, I, desiring that all should live

    Consuming the delight born of Heaven will devise a plan abounding in mercy, by which I will give My body itself as a Sacred Banquet;

    If people, once again acquire sin by experiencing sorrow-producing, poison-like evil things as if they were delights,

    I will devise an excellent method of Confession that will, as a medicine, remove that disease from which Hell results.”


    “At the time of death, in order to win the war with that ancient revengeful Devil, and to rise up, I will give strength through Extreme Unction

    By the applying of the pure oil on the dying; as lamps to remove massive and excessive darkness I will devise an Ordination

    That will produce priests; for people to live without being frightened by the taint of lust, I will institute Matrimony as a bond

    That produces blessings; all people weakened by sin, acquiring these seven gifts in this manner, will stand majestic like a mountain.”


    “My body, in the form of a dark cloud on the summit of a huge mountain, will pour My blood that is of exalted mercy

    Like a downpour, and it, running along like a massive flood, and the seven gifts branching from it as seven rivers

    And running will transform this world, which, without any capacity to discriminate, exists as a desert that is scorched

    By evil deeds, into a cool flower grove, and the people will live without being affected by any affliction, and attain salvation,” He said.

    M Dominic Raj 4, July, 2019.


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